Effectiveness of the fundamental right to reasonable length of proceedings


  • Roberto Martinato State University of Londrina
  • Marlene Kempfer State University of Londrina




Average processing time, Proportionality principle .


Analyzes means and limits of realization of the immediate applicability of novel thought LXXVIII of art. 5 of the Federal Constitution - the right to " reasonable length of proceedings " - in order to give it the possible effectiveness against the chronic slowness verified natramitação of court proceedings in Brazil , under the aspect of estataloriginária compensation of state responsibility. Therefore, raises the maisrelevantes difficulties in the immediate application of such a provision - insert in the list of direitosfundamentais - face the difficult task of objectively establish reasonable Queseria the duration of court proceedings. With this north Proportionality principle its disposition , to get a theoretically viable way to arealização the new fundamental right.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Martinato, State University of Londrina

Student 5th year of law at the State University of Londrina.

Marlene Kempfer, State University of Londrina

PhD in Public Law - Tax Law from PUC- SP . Tax Law professor at the Graduate Law Course of the Londrina State University and Master's programs in Law at the State University of Londrina and the University of Marilia .



How to Cite

Martinato, R., & Kempfer, M. (2006). Effectiveness of the fundamental right to reasonable length of proceedings. Revista Do Direito Público, 1(2), 55–74. https://doi.org/10.5433/1980-511X.2006v1n2p55


