Research about social, curricular and geographical transversality of a teaching and learning history model based on ojbects as primary sources and classroom museums




History education, Model, Teaching through objects, Classroom museum, transversality


The article’s starting point is the problem of perception and understanding of history –which is essential to create a critical citizenship- by future citizens (primary school students) as well as future educators (teachers training university students). The article proposes two models of teaching and learning history and its development in two case studies adapted to different ages and geographical contexts (case 1: teachers training degree students of a Spanish university and case 2: Portuguese primary education pupils). Results of the development of the teaching and learning model in both contexts are presented at the same time that the social, curricular and geographical transversality of the model proposed is exposed.

Author Biographies

Glória Solé, Universidade do Minho

PhD in Child Studies from the Universidade do Minho. Assistant Professor at the Universidade do Minho.

Nayra Llonch, Universitat de Lleida / Universitat de Barcelona

Researcher of the Consolidated Research Group DHiGeCs (Didactics of History, Geography and other social sciences) of the Universitat de Barcelona. Professor at the Universitat de Lleida.


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How to Cite

SOLÉ, Glória; LLONCH, Nayra. Research about social, curricular and geographical transversality of a teaching and learning history model based on ojbects as primary sources and classroom museums. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 18, p. 87–117, 2017. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2016v9n18p87. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.