Antidote for the present, utopia for the future

the cultural conception of the newspaper Polo Cultural




Polo Cultural, conception of culture, Brazilian poetry, dictatorship


This article examines Polo Cultural, a publication originating in Curitiba and conceived by the poet and journalist Reynaldo Jardim. Active from March to December 1978, Polo Cultural is currently accessible within the collection of the Public Library of Paraná. Our focus lies on a periodical emerging from a less prominent locale, yet one that delved into theoretical discussions concerning evolving perspectives on culture and literature. Our hypothesis posits that the structure of Polo Cultural, characterized by its comprehensive understanding of national culture and its efforts to foster stronger connections with the reading community, is a product of its distinct historical context. As the impending redemocratization provided a utopian horizon for the emergence of a new societal paradigm, it also necessitated resistance against the massification and institutionalization of art. Furthermore, we investigate how the poetry featured in Polo Cultural aligns with the newspaper’s ideals and addresses the challenges of its time. By analyzing the thematic and stylistic elements of the poetry within the publication, we gain insight into its role in reflecting and responding to the socio-political milieu of the period.

Author Biography

Camila Hespanhol Peruchi, Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG

Doutora em Teoria e História Literária pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).
Bolsista de Pós-doutorado do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) na Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG).


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How to Cite

PERUCHI, Camila Hespanhol. Antidote for the present, utopia for the future: the cultural conception of the newspaper Polo Cultural. Terra Roxa e Outras Terras: Revista de Estudos Literários, [S. l.], v. 44, n. 1, p. 71–85, 2024. DOI: 10.5433/1678-2054.2024vol44n1p71. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.