From Andrade to Andrade: the rewriting of Wenceslau and Ci in Macunaíma
Macunaíma, Mário de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, Ci, gigante Venceslau.Abstract
This article comparatively analyzes the rhapsody Macunaima (1928), by Mario de Andrade, and the homonymous film (1969), by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade. Focusing mainly on the historical context of the military dictatorship, which influenced film production, the reconfigurations of the characters Venceslau and Ci are analyzed. Based on the postulates of Zila Bernd, Lilia Schwacz, Stuart Hall, Judith Butler, Nelly Richard, among others, the two parts of this study present: 1) the Wenceslau giant as foreign domination’s metaphor and Macunaima’s victory over his opponent, through characteristics that exalt the indigenous culture and miscegenation; 2) the Ci’s transition — from mythical heroine to militant — in order to question the hegemonic representation of the female gender. In both cases, it is demonstrated that the changes made by the director are inherent to the adaptation process of literary text and to the identities’ transitory character, especially considering the four decades that separate book and film.
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