Memories of a child dog. The inhumanity of the human in the narrative of Pablo Farrés




dog, anthropotechnics, materialism


This article proposes a reading of the novel Literatura argentina (2011) by the Argentine Pablo Farrés. The main hypothesis holds that the animality in this narrative, articulated in the figure of the dog, establishes a relationship between low body materialism and schizophrenic hallucinatory perception. Argentine literature constitutes an exploration of human artifice in terms of memory of the species and questioning of individual subjectivity. Literatura argentina constitutes an exploration of human artifice in terms of memory of the species and questioning of individual subjectivity. From this perspective, schizophrenia is the non-individual, non-speciesist perception of the world that the living being inhabits. Literature, for Farrés, is the collective enunciation of a species that explores its non-human foundation, suggesting an evolutionism that goes back to the dog as a primordial ancestor.

Author Biography

Rafael Arce, Universidad Nacional del Litoral - UNL; Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales del Litoral - IHuCSo

Profesor de Letras de la Universidade Nacional del Litoral - UNL.
Investigador Adjunto (CIC-CONICET) en el IHuCSo (UNL-CONICET).
Doctor en Humanidades con Mención en Literatura por la Universidad de Rosario.


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How to Cite

Arce, Rafael. “Memories of a Child Dog. The Inhumanity of the Human in the Narrative of Pablo Farrés”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 42, no. 1, Sept. 2022, pp. 33-45, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2022v42p33-45.