The relationship intrinsic between text and image in “Mineirinho”, by Clarice Lispector




Mineirinho, Text, Image, Language, Clarice Lispector


The retrieval of the visual, resulting from the actions of senses and recovered by memory, can unleash different feelings in relation to a specific image. Anchored in this affirmative, the study intends to discuss about the vision of the writer Clarice Lispector, before the death of the criminal “Mineirinho”, and the reconstruction of this fact, in her chronicle, from the reports and journalistic descriptions, as well as from the image of Mineirinho’s death, printed by some newspapers of the period, in the architecture of her discourse that associates, differently, the analogous relationship between text and image. In order to reach this understanding, we explore, through the mechanisms of language, communicative processes that will assist the dialogic construction existing between the production of literary discourse, and her relationship with the psychical resources of the memory in her performance of retrieval and capture of information/images, as a result of innumerable sensations caused by brutality of actions, connected to the impact of photographic register of Mineirinho’s body with gunshot wounds. In this sense, the theories of Mikhail Bakthin (1997), Roman Jackobson (2003), G. E Lessing (1998), Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza (1984) on Freudian theories, and Alfredo Bosi (1974) will constitute the more specific basis of our work.

Author Biographies

Adriana Yokoyama, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Master in Literary Studies and PhD in Literary Studies at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

Enéias Farias Tavares, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Master in Comparative Literature and Doctor of Letters from the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.


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How to Cite

Yokoyama, Adriana, and Enéias Farias Tavares. “The Relationship Intrinsic Between Text and Image in ‘Mineirinho’, by Clarice Lispector”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 32, Aug. 2017, pp. 43-55, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2016v32p43.