The education system in Social Work Post Bologna A critical point of view
Education system, Bologna, Social WorkAbstract
This article aims to understand in a critical perspective the higher education in Portugal, after Bologna, showing how the social work adapted itself to this process. This change in higher education had substantial changes with respect to its configuration, access and timeliness. The training courses based on the level of degree, which in Portugal were ten semesters and passed for six or seven semesters. Access has been democratized through specific exams for students older than 23 years professional experience with and without regular courses in secondary education. This paper now presents itself situates the education system in Portugal and highlights the impact of the Bologna school of Social Work. In this case study we assess that this policy has changed the paradigm of teaching, now focused on training and lifelong appreciation of the experience, and that the decrease in the formative years training and devalued profession of Social Work.
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