"Elfing na Educação Infantil Bilíngue”?

discussing the English used in bilingual education of prestigious languages





English as a Lingua Franca, Prestigious Bilingual Education, Didactic Materials


Due to its fluid, dynamic, and plural nature, the perspective of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) represents a break from hegemonic standards, legitimizing various speakers and contexts. In the field of prestigious bilingual education, there is still a strong presence of the hegemony of knowledge and culture imposed by the Global North. Therefore, this work aims to present a proposal from the ELF perspective for childhood bilingual education outlined in the Global Kids bilingual portfolio (El Kadri; Saviolli, 2022), demonstrating the possibilities and potentials of ELF for English language teaching in the bi/multilingual context. We conclude that the analyzed material presents itself as a "made in Brazil" proposal, seeking to associate critical and local themes with bilingual education and aligning with pedagogical implications of the perspective (Gimenez, 2009), with an emphasis on communicative and accommodation skills, and a focus on multilingualism (Calvo et al., 2022). Such characteristics contribute to the construction of planetary citizenship. In light of the analyzed material, we emphasize the importance of local production of materials and proposals for prestigious bilingual education, moving away from the ideology of native speakers and considering local knowledge and the plurality of languages and cultures.


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Author Biography

Michele Salles El Kadri, UEL

Doutora em Estudos da Linguagem e Professora da Universidade EStadual de Londrina. Possui pesquisa na área de formação de Professores de língua inglesa e Ensino de ingles como lingua franca.


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How to Cite

EL KADRI, Michele Salles; GERALDO ELIAS, Ana Beatriz; ROMBALDI, Gabrieli. "Elfing na Educação Infantil Bilíngue”? discussing the English used in bilingual education of prestigious languages. Signum: Estudos da Linguagem, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 2, p. 54–68, 2023. DOI: 10.5433/2237-4876.2023v26n2p54. Disponível em: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/signum/article/view/49541. Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.

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