Teaching English as an Additional Language in Higher Education and pre-service teacher training during the Pandemic
a Pibid Experience
PIBID, Teaching, Teacher educationAbstract
The process of teaching English as an Additional Language (EAL) in higher education, with a focus on teacher training/education, is a topic of interest in Applied Linguistics. In this work, we concentrate on the EAL teaching process in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically targeting pre-service teacher training participants in the Institutional Program for the Initiation of Teaching Scholarship (PIBID). We discuss the theoretical perspectives that underpin EAL teaching proposals and support PIBID training, as well as the challenges posed by remote teaching. We provide a brief history of the program, followed by the contextualization of PIBID at the University XXX and the English Subproject. We report on the actions of the subproject in response to the demands and challenges of remote teaching and remote student training in the EAL field. Based on the reported experience, we highlight the impacts and contributions of the English Subproject to teacher training and EAL teaching in higher education.
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