impacts, meanings and perspectives in teacher training at a multi-campus HEI
PIBID, formação docente, ensinoAbstract
Teacher education has proven to be, in recent decades, a sensitive issue for universities and other educational institutions. The debate on teacher education involves issues such as the need for professionals that are suited to regional demands and attentive to the challenges as a result of technological advances, the political formation of these professionals, which is aimed at overcoming intransigence; the indispensable relationship between university and basic education and the insertion of professionals in meaningful programs. Therefore, we ask ourselves, based on data collected at a public university: what have been the real impacts of special programs such as PIBID on school practice in basic education? How do the subjects involved in this process understand their actions? What are the necessary practices in the teacher training process? In this sense, we will turn to authors in the area of language and education to support our discussion in qualitative research, carried out through content analysis, based on the reports of three basic education teachers, five pibidians and two institutional PIBID coordinators. The analyzes carried out so far point to a significant impact of the program to these subjects, demonstrating the need for more public policies focused on the topic.
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