Education for a linking historical project: understanding the humanization and culture beam
Objectification, Historic project bind, Humanizing education, Decolonial, CultureAbstract
The objective of the present work is to promote an investigation about the cultural and paradigmatic assumptions that support the dehumanization and objectification of subjects so that, based on this, we can reflect on a liberating education through culture and a critical attitude towards it. By means of a decolonial thought clipping, and a bibliographical research focused on it, we will try to problematize the set of beliefs and values that sustain the relations of domination, highlighting in this process the importance of a historical/cultural project to link – as a counterposition and source of inspiration, present in traditional communities. In this sense, we will try to reflect on the centrality of culture, with a special focus on popular culture, for the exercise of a humanizing education. We emphasize that such education must integrate freedom at the individual and social level, detaching its practices and contents from the set of practices and contents from the colonizing pattern, connecting education to the people and subjectivities and to what human interaction can emerge by connecting freedoms.
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