The suspension of everyday life: immigration in the images from the movie Welcome
Communication, Film, Immigration, EverydayAbstract
In this paper we analyze the interrelationship between everyday, cinema and immigration. For this, we start from the situations presented in the film welcome, French production of 2009, directed by Philippe Lioret, wich tells the story of a young iraqi who is in France, trying to get to England. Interspersed with several personal narratives, are the immigration situation in France, legislation, the routine of the subjects involved: police, residents, immigrants. We use the theoretical concept of everyday Agnes Heller, as well as studies on film and Edgar Morin immigration Zigmunt Bauman. Before an overexposure imagery everyday, we understand that the film would constitute a privileged space for these discussions by your logic reception. Similary, we observed that the film presents selected current issues and timely, while private and generic, such as suspending the daily, return to it and modified overcoming stereotypes, prejudices and generalizations related to immigration, although common and to some extend, necessary for everyday life, impose restrictions on citizenship.
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