Lean manufacturing in the north furniture polo of Santa Catarina from the perspective of strategic planning

Lean manufacturing in the north furniture polo of Santa Catarina from the perspective of strategic planning





Strategic management, Lean thinking, Lean production


This article aims to investigate the process of implementation of Lean Manufacturing (LM) in companies in the North Furniture Center of Santa Catarina, seeking to identify its adherence to the concepts of strategic planning to ensure its success, within a log-term perspective. This article is based on a qualitative search with this furniture center to identify elements, through data analysis that allowed understanding the dynamics that were applied in this process of LM implementation and its interface with the strategic operations planning. Thus, as a result of this research, the study presented the main characteristics and behaviors related to the concepts of strategic planning aligned with this LM implementation process, which were found: staff training, communication, support for problem solving, monitoring of indicators, review and regular improvements. The study provided important guidance on the best practices for a consistent process for implementing the LM in order to obtain more robust and sustainable results for companies through the commitment of employees


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Author Biographies

Peter Cristian Lother, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

Master’s student at the Universidade Federal do Paraná, Postgraduate Program in Forestry Engineering, Curitiba, PR.

Romano Timofeiczyk Junior, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

Prof. Dr. at the Universidade Federal do Paraná, Postgraduate Program in Forestry Engineering, Curitiba, PR.

Vítor Afonso Hoeflich, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

Vitor Afonso Hoeflich: Prof. Dr. at the Universidade Federal do Paraná, Postgraduate Program in Forestry Engineering, Curitiba, PR.

Saulo Henrique Weber, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

Prof. Dr. da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal, PUCPR, Curitiba, PR.


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How to Cite

Lother, P. C., Timofeiczyk Junior, R., Hoeflich, V. A., & Weber, S. H. (2022). Lean manufacturing in the north furniture polo of Santa Catarina from the perspective of strategic planning. Semina: Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas, 43(1), 55–62. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0375.2022v43n1p55



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