Selection among strains of Xanthomonas campestris for xanthan gum production
Xanthomonas campestris, Selection. Xanthan gum, Alkaline stress, Viscosity, Optimization.Abstract
Research on new strains biopolymers have raised the interest of many researchers who study microorganisms with gum production capacity and a higher quality than the existent ones. The present study selected patovars X. campestris pv. manihotis 280-95, X. campestris pv. begoniae 1138-95 and X. campestris pv. dieffenbachiae 1429-00, as best performers, with xanthan gum producing 10,8 g.L-1, 9,0 g.L-1 and 8,5 g.L-1 respectively, being strain 280-95 the best in production and quality. The alkaline stress applied in the process of xanthan gum production of X. campestris pv. manihotis 280-95 increased in 40,76% , deserving more in depth studies to determine the best conditions for the application of the process. Keywords: Xanthomonas campestris. Selection. Xanthan gum. Alkaline stress. Viscosity. Optimization.Downloads
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