Synchronization with estradiol benzoate in the presence of the corpus luteum in Wagyu cows increases the number of medium follicles but does not interfere with in vitro production of embryos




Reproduction biotechnology, Wagyu donors, Follicular aspiration, Follicular synchronization.


Reproductive biotechnologies emerge as an important element for livestock, however, some strategies must be modified to adapt the different breeding systems, such as the use of follicular synchronization protocols. This study aimed to evaluate follicular synchronization using estradiol benzoate, with the presence of the corpus luteum, on the in vitro embryo production (IVEP) from Wagyu oocytes donors. Routines of IVEP were performed in heifers and cows (n=19), classified into three groups: G1/CL- animals with corpus luteum; G2/SCL- animals without corpus luteum, these groups being the control, and had the natural process of follicular dynamics and G3/CL + EB - animals with the presence of corpus luteum, submitted to follicular synchronization at D0, with estradiol benzoate. The results obtained showed that the synchronization of the follicular wave with the application of EB, in the presence of the corpus luteum (CL), reduced the number of small (6.05 ± 0.55) and large follicles (0.45 ± 0.15), but increased (P<0.05) the amount of medium follicles (16.20 ± 0.90). However, the results of OPU showed that the number of viable oocytes and the viability rate, depending on the application or not of EB and the presence or not of CL in Wagyu donor, did not differ between groups (P>0.05).  It was concluded that follicular synchronization using estradiol benzoate in Wagyu oocyte donors, presenting a corpus luteum, increased the number of medium follicles, however, there was no improvement in the efficiency of ovum pick-up, in vitro embryo production and pregnancy rate.


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Author Biographies

Maria Fernanda Zamai, Unicesumar University

Veterinarian, MSc, Unicesumar University, UNICESUMAR, Maringá, PR, Brazil.

Fabio Luiz Bim Cavalieri, Unicesumar University

Prof. PhD, Veterinary Medicine, Graduate Program of Clean Technology, UNICESUMAR/ ICETI, Maringa, PR, Brazil.

Marcia Aparecida Andreazzi, Unicesumar University

Profa. PhD, Veterinary Medicine, Graduate Program of Clean Technology, UNICESUMAR/ ICETI, Maringa, PR, Brazil.

Fabio Morotti, State University of Londrina

Prof. PhD, Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, State University of Londrina, DCV/CCA, UEL, Londrina, PR, Brazil.

Marcelo Marcondes Seneda, State University of Londrina

Prof. PhD, Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, State University of Londrina, DCV/CCA, UEL, Londrina, PR, Brazil.

José Maurício Gonçalves dos Santos, Unicesumar University

Prof. PhD, Veterinary Medicine, Graduate Program of Clean Technology, UNICESUMAR/ ICETI, Maringa, PR, Brazil.

Danieli Aparecida Bobbo Moreski, Unicesumar University

Biology Science Graduate Program of Clean Technology, UNICESUMAR/ ICETI, Maringa, PR, Brazil.

Antonio Hugo Bezerra Colombo, Unicesumar University

Prof. PhD, Veterinary Medicine, Graduate Program of Clean Technology, UNICESUMAR/ ICETI, Maringa, PR, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Zamai, M. F., Cavalieri, F. L. B., Andreazzi, M. A., Morotti, F., Seneda, M. M., Santos, J. M. G. dos, … Colombo, A. H. B. (2021). Synchronization with estradiol benzoate in the presence of the corpus luteum in Wagyu cows increases the number of medium follicles but does not interfere with in vitro production of embryos. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 42(3), 1147–1158.




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