Effect of additional PGF2? dose on pregnancy rate in Nellore females subjected to FTAI





Bovine, FTAI, PGF2alfa, Pregnancy rate.


This study examined the effect of administering an additional dose of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2?), in a fixed-time artificial insemination protocol (FTAI), on the fertility of female Nellore cattle. Two experiments were carried out: the first (Experiment I) took place in the state of Tocantins and the second (Experiment II) in the state of Pará, Brazil. In Experiment I (E1), 80 cows were used in three treatments (T1, T2 and T3) in which all received the same FTAI protocol. In T1 (n = 29), the cows received 12.5 mg of Dinoprost on day 9; in T2 (n = 28), they received the additional dose on day 10; and in T3 (n = 23; control group), the animals did not receive the additional PGF2? dose. Experiment II consisted of 147 bovine females distributed into two treatment groups, namely, T1 - 72 animals receiving the same protocol as T1 of E1; and T2 - 75 animals receiving the same protocol as T3 of E1. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software, applying the PROC NPARWAY procedure for E1, and means were compared by the Wilcoxon test at the 5% significance level. In Experiment II, the data were subjected to analysis of variance by PROC GLIMMIX and means were compared by the T test at the 5% significance level. The following pregnancy rates were obtained in Experiment I: T1 - 62.06% (18/29); T2 - 57.14% (16/28); and T3 - 52.17% (12/23), with no significant difference observed between treatments. In Experiment II, pregnancy rate in T1 was 66.67% (48/72), whereas in T2 it was 41.33% (31/75), with a significant difference detected (P < 0.05). An additional dose of PGF2? provides an increase in pregnancy rate in Nellore females.

Author Biographies

Jorge Luís Ferreira, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Prof. Dr., Universidade Federal do Tocantins, UFT, Câmpus de Araguaína, Araguaína, TO, Brasil

Matheus Henrique Dias Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Discente do Curso de Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, UFT, Câmpus de Araguaína, Araguaína, TO, Brasil.

Shammara Noleto Santos, Faculdade de Ciências do Tocantins

Profª M.e, Faculdade de Ciências do Tocantins, FACIT, Câmpus de Araguaína, Araguaína, TO, Brasil.

Rodolfo Olinto Rotoli Garcia de Oliveira, OLVET Serviços Veterinários

Autônomo, OLVET Serviços Veterinários, Araguaína, TO, Brasil.

Vanessa de Sousa Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Discente do Curso de Mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sanidade Animal e Saúde Pública nos Trópicos, UFT, Câmpus de Araguaína, Araguaína, TO, Brasil.

Dourival Alex Araújo Beserra, Agropec Produtos Agropecuários

Autônomo, Agropec Produtos Agropecuários, Colinas do Tocantins, TO, Brasil.

José Américo Soares Garcia, Universidade de Brasilia

Prof. Dr. Universidade de Brasilia, UnB, Faculdade de Agronomia e Veterinária, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Brasilia, DF, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, J. L., Rodrigues, M. H. D., Santos, S. N., Oliveira, R. O. R. G. de, Rodrigues, V. de S., Beserra, D. A. A., & Garcia, J. A. S. (2020). Effect of additional PGF2? dose on pregnancy rate in Nellore females subjected to FTAI. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 41(6), 2669–2676. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2020v41n6p2669




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