A retrospective study of reproductive disorders in female dogs from the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Bitches, Cystic endometrial hyperplasia, Pyometra, Occurrence, TVT.Abstract
Diseases of the reproductive system are common in both sexes in the most varied of species. In female dog, these diseases produce different degrees of morbidity and mortality and are influenced by environmental conditions, reproductive history, and previous drug treatments. Reproductive disease may have different consequences, ranging from the absence of clinical signs to the impairment of fertility. The objective of this study was to determine the causes of reproductive diseases in female dogs admitted to the Veterinary Hospital, Federal University of Uberlândia, during a six-year period (2012-2017) and to identify the most frequently occurring diseases. Information relative to the species, age, breed, and sex of 32,944 were obtained for animals. Of these, 16,480 were female dogs and 1,185 were diagnosed with alterations to the reproductive system. The animals were divided into four groups according to age (puppies, young adults, adults, and old) and disease of the reproductive system (Group 1 - vaginal and vulvar alterations; Group 2 - alterations to the estrous cycle, ovary, and uterus; Group 3 - alterations to the gestational period and parturition). The highest occurrence of diagnoses (47%) was recorded in young adult female dogs (1 to 5 years old). The most frequent alterations in female dogs were pyometra (48.8%), dystocia (13.6%), and transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) (12.6%). Crossbred dogs were the most affected with alterations to the reproductive system, representing 60% of all the female dogs diagnosed with any pathologic alteration. In conclusion, a 7.2% occurrence of reproductive disorders shows the relevance of these diseases in small animals and suggests that new methods are needed for the prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of these disorders.Downloads
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