Silage quality of pearl millet cultivars produced in different cutting ages


  • Kátia Aparecida de Pinto Costa Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Iporá
  • Itamar Alves Guerra Filho Universidade de Rio Verde
  • Renato Lara de Assis Instituto Federal Goiano
  • Kátia Cylene Guimarães Intituto Federal Goiano, Campus Rio Verde
  • Welma Santos Cruvinel Universidade de Rio Verde
  • Patrícia Soares Epifânio Instituto Federal Goiano
  • Rodrigo Rodrigues Gouveia Instituto Federal Goiano



Soluble carbohydrates, Fibrous fraction, pH.


The millet has being prominent in recent years, especially with the arrival of early genotypes with high nutritional value and productive potential, coming from breeding. As these genotypes are new, little information exists about them. Thus, it is important to obtain technical information, supported by scientific studies about the behavior of these materials considering the nutritional value and harvest for silage production. The objective of this research was to evaluate the silage quality of pearl millet genotypes grown in different cuts age. The experiment was carried out on the campus of the Agronomy, of the Rio Verde University. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications in a 5 x 3 factorial, with five genotypes of millet: ARD 500, ADR 7010, LAB 0730, LAB 0731 and LAB 0732 and three cuts ages: 57, 65 and 73 days after sowing (DAS). The results showed that silages produced by millet, regardless of genotype, could be considered of nutritional value. Since this is a precocious material the best age that provided the best quality of these silages was when the materials were harvested at 57 DAS.

Biografia do Autor

Kátia Aparecida de Pinto Costa, Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Iporá

Zootecnista, Doutora em Ciência do Solo

Itamar Alves Guerra Filho, Universidade de Rio Verde

Discente da Universidade de Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO.

Renato Lara de Assis, Instituto Federal Goiano

Prof. Pesquisador, Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Iporá, Iporá, GO.

Kátia Cylene Guimarães, Intituto Federal Goiano, Campus Rio Verde

Profª Pesquisadora, Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO.

Welma Santos Cruvinel, Universidade de Rio Verde

Discente da Universidade de Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO.

Patrícia Soares Epifânio, Instituto Federal Goiano

Profª do Instituto Federal Goiano, Extensão Quirinópolis, GO. Quirinópolis, GO.

Rodrigo Rodrigues Gouveia, Instituto Federal Goiano

Discente do Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO.




Como Citar

Costa, K. A. de P., Guerra Filho, I. A., Assis, R. L. de, Guimarães, K. C., Cruvinel, W. S., Epifânio, P. S., & Gouveia, R. R. (2012). Silage quality of pearl millet cultivars produced in different cutting ages. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 33(3), 1189–1198.




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