Epidemiological aspects and treatment of parasitic lesions similar to Stephanofilariasis disease in nursing cows


  • Luiz Antônio Franco Silva Sector of Veterinary School
  • Rogério Elias Rabelo Sector of Veterinary School
  • Maria Ivete de Moura School of Veterinary
  • Maria Clorinda Soares Fioravanti Sector of Veterinary School
  • Lígia Miranda Ferreira Borges Institute of Tropical Diseases and Public Health
  • Caroline Rocha de Oliveira Lima School of Veterinary




Bovine, Filarid, Lesion, Therapy, Udder


The aim was to describe epidemiological, clinical and histological aspects of parasitic lesions caused by Stephanofilariasis on the udder of nursing cows and to evaluate the viability of a therapeutic protocol. Forty lactating cows with characteristic Stephanofilariasis lesions were divided into two groups, GI and GII. The wounds on the udder of the GI cows were cleansed with sodium hydrochloride and treated topically with an ointment consisting of trichlorphone, ivermectine, dexamethasone, calendula, zinc oxide and an adherent ointment of sodium vaseline, associated with the parenteral application of 1% ivermectine. GII served as control group and was left untreated. Twelve cows (60%) of GI had recovered on the 45th day of treatment and 8 cows (40%) showed clinical cure within 45-60 days. The diagnosis of Stephanofilaria stilesi infection is generally presumptive. Epidemiologically-related aspects, clinical findings and positive response to treatment help to confirm the disease. Histopathological exams also assist in the diagnosis when the presence of nematodes can be revealed, although this finding is not frequent. The therapeutic protocol employed proved to be economically viable and efficient, with recovery of all the lesions.


Biografia do Autor

Luiz Antônio Franco Silva, Sector of Veterinary School

Assistant Teacher II of surgery clinical animal. Sector of Veterinary School, Goiânia. UFG, Brazil.

Rogério Elias Rabelo, Sector of Veterinary School

Teacher of surgery clinical animal. Sector of Veterinary School, Jataí Campus. UFG. Brazil.

Maria Ivete de Moura, School of Veterinary

Degree of doctor in animal science. Post-graduate of the School of Veterinary. UFG. Brazil.

Maria Clorinda Soares Fioravanti, Sector of Veterinary School

Assistant Teacher II of medical clinical animal. Sector of Veterinary School. Goiânia. UFG. Brazil.

Lígia Miranda Ferreira Borges, Institute of Tropical Diseases and Public Health

Assistant Teacher of Parasitology of the discipline. Institute of Tropical Diseases and Public Health. UFG, Brazil.

Caroline Rocha de Oliveira Lima, School of Veterinary

Degree of misters in animal science. Post-graduate of the School of Veterinary. UFG. Brazil.




Como Citar

Silva, L. A. F., Rabelo, R. E., Moura, M. I. de, Fioravanti, M. C. S., Borges, L. M. F., & Lima, C. R. de O. (2010). Epidemiological aspects and treatment of parasitic lesions similar to Stephanofilariasis disease in nursing cows. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 31(3), 689–698. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2010v31n3p689




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