On Things that Make us Feel Good

contributions to sensory design and to the project for the senses beyond sight





sensorial design, emotional design, good feeling


This article questions the predominance of vision in the interaction with the world, exploring the field of Sensory Design beyond visual emphasis. The study investigated how this approach transcends visual perception to influence users' emotional experience in the face of the multisensorial nature of objects. To achieve this, a systematic literature review was conducted on Scopus, resulting in 12 articles (2011-2022). The analysis highlights the user-object interaction, integration of sensory systems, stimuli, and emotional reactions. The synthesis underscores the importance of exploring perceptual modalities to promote well-being, establishing multisensory approach as an essential tool for inclusive designs. In conclusion, this study expands the understanding of senses in design, advocating techniques that consider the diversity of human perceptual experiences.

Author Biographies

Rafaela Borges, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Designer, holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design from the Federal Fluminense University and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Design at the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. They have extensive experience in the field of product design, collaborating with occupational therapists with a strong emphasis on assistive technology. Their primary areas of expertise include sensory design, well-being, accessibility, and ergodesign.

Claudia Mourthé , Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Designer, holding a Master's degree in Architecture and a Ph.D. in Design and Product and Process Quality since 2008. Currently serving as a professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She has experience in the design field, with a focus on graphic and product design, primarily working on the following topics: aesthetic publishing and cultural diversity, ergodesign, usability, and built environment.

Vera Damazio, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

She has been a part of the Arts & Design Department at PUC-Rio since 1986, working in the fields of teaching, research, and extension. She is the coordinator of the Applied Research Laboratory Design Memory and Emotion (LABMEMO), an interdisciplinary space for investigation and intervention focused on complex social challenges through ethnographic and participatory methods.


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How to Cite

Borges, R., Mourthé , C., & Damazio, V. (2024). On Things that Make us Feel Good: contributions to sensory design and to the project for the senses beyond sight. Projetica, 15(1), 1–31. https://doi.org/10.5433/2236-2207.2024.v15.n1.48191



Design: Conhecimento, Gestão e Tecnologia