Design and its challenges




Design, Design philosophy, Artificial world


The purpose of this paper is to reflect on issues about the comprehension of design as a social process and how it influences the way we live. Since the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century, major transformations have occurred in the history of humanity. Design emerged from these events and, therefore, it is specifically related to a certain stage of the history of capitalism. Also, design played a fundamental role in increasing the industrial wealth. Over time, however, its comprehensiveness has expanded, that is, instead of the exclusive concern with the appearance of things designed by engineers and scientists, the design started to explore new universes, such as cities, landscapes, nations, bodies, genes, and, according to Latour, even nature itself. As a reflection of this expansion, the way we interact with objects is markedly different.

Author Biography

Ana Neuza Botelho Videla, Universidade Federal do Cariri - UFCA

Phd, works at the Universidade Federal do Cariri - UFCA


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How to Cite

Botelho Videla, A. N. (2018). Design and its challenges. Projetica, 9(2Supl), 43–58.



Suplemento P&D 2018