Metadesign - review on the theoretical construction of the concept and its inclusion in the design process


  • Tobias Oliveira Camargo Universidade Vale dos Sinos - UNISINOS



Design, Project methodology, Scenarios, Project


This article aims to promote a preliminary theoretical discussion on the metadesign and on how it relates to the process of design project. It is an exploratory research outlined by a literature research, from authors of the Italian school of design. Following the evolution of the design and its methodologies, the metadesign is a platform for refl exion, sharing and innovation with outstanding contributions to the decision-making in organizations and the promotion of innovation processes in the organization.

Author Biography

Tobias Oliveira Camargo, Universidade Vale dos Sinos - UNISINOS

Master in Strategic Design from Universidade Vale dos Sinos - UNISINOS


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How to Cite

Camargo, T. O. (2016). Metadesign - review on the theoretical construction of the concept and its inclusion in the design process. Projetica, 6(3), 57–74.


