Design and entrepreneurship: analyzing the similarities between both areas


  • Luma Candian Grizone Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG



Design. Entrepreneurship. Scenario changings. Teaching


This paper aims to make a comparison and analysis between entrepreneurship and design areas, considering the changes that the profession and teaching of design have been going through. The goal is to explore the assumption that design helps performing entrepreneurship, as well as understanding the new market logic, where the entrepreneur becomes crucial. This work is based on a monograph and the method used was the literature review.

Author Biography

Luma Candian Grizone, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG

Undergraduate of the Product Design course at the SUniversidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UFMG


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How to Cite

Grizone, L. C. (2016). Design and entrepreneurship: analyzing the similarities between both areas. Projetica, 6(3), 105–121.


