Fair trade and bioethics: the legitimacy of private legal schemes
Coffee, Cooperativism, Certification, Private legal regimes, Equity and justiceAbstract
The Fair-Trade system is a network commerce structure, certified by good sustainability practices whose concepts and principles dialogue by the insertion of ethical rules in the social, economic and environmental spectrums, counter-hegemonic characteristics if compared to the assumptions of liberal capitalism. This innovative business model, as an experience from the Northern Hemisphere, rekindles the issue of coloniality and the legitimacy of the norms defined within the network. This research establishes a reflection on this legal regime of networked commerce, which regulates the activities of all actors that connect within the Fair-Trade movement, seeking to understand how a proposal is legitimized in front of the most different countries, cultures and legal systems and enables an articulation of activities, in the discursive purpose of development of vulnerable farmers and their communities. The methodology used was analytical and literature review. As a result, this paper perceives that the rules adopted prioritize a systemic approach to a project, in which the buying and selling relationship and not even profit is taken as an end in itself, as the main objective.
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