Assessment of altmétric and bibliometric indicators
an analysis applied to publications related to the 2030 Agenda
Altmetrics, Agenda 2030, Citation analysis, BibliometricsAbstract
Objective: Given the importance of the 2030 Agenda and the informational demands and needs related to sustainability, this research aims to answer the following question: How is the relationship between altmetric and bibliometric indicators represented by the Altmetric Attention Score and citations received from highly cited articles on the topic of the 2030 Agenda configured? To do so, the research analyzes the relationship between the citations received and the Altmetric Attention Score of the most cited articles on the topic of the 2030 Agenda in the Web of Science database.
Methodology: The selection criterion adopts the normalized ranking of highly cited articles from the mentioned database and identifies 20 articles for the comparison of indicators. In the comparison, it uses the bibliometric indicator of citations received and the altmetric indicator of Altmetric Attention Score. It correlates the indicators together with the publication years via the Spearman correlation coefficient.
Results: As a result, it was found that there is a strong correlation between received citations and publication years, and a moderate correlation between publication years and altmetric scores.
Conclusions: This fact suggests that the strong correlation between received citations and publication years may be related to the ability of these articles to accumulate citations, since this set of articles has the characteristic of being highly cited, and thus, the larger the citation window, the greater the number of citations. This justifies the negative correlation between the variables. However, if this analysis is replicated for articles with lower citation potential (or even articles that have never received citations), this result may not be repeated.
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