Information literacy in a multilevel library of interior region of the state of Paraíba, PB, Brazil
Information literacy. Library users’ education. Multilevel library. Academic library. School libraryAbstract
Introduction: Information literacy is a recurring subject in the literature on Library and Information Science, whether in theoretical approaches on the contemporary informational phenomenon or in empirical reports about information search and use in Information Units. In the level of implementation, the promotion of information literacy occurs in formalized, institutionalized educational programs, which reinforce and broaden the traditional user library education. In reality, however, that does not occur at the major Brazilian information environment, especially at the school and academic - multilevel ones, which are scrutinized in this research. Objective: It analyzes the scenario of practices oriented by information literacy in Brazilian multilevel library.
Methodology: the study performs participant research, based on a set of methods for the description of information practices, namely "guided tour" in information environments, semi-structured interview, visual research, and the qualitative method of interpretation of meanings.
Results: It finds - in one more reality of multilevel Brazilian library and located in the rural area of northeastern Brazil - a long way to be followed by this library to reach information literacy; the most basic skills about library use are missing in the most of participants. In order to change this reality, the study proposes a formal policy for information literacy development, initially based on the indication of courses.
Conclusions: This research offered data for a deeper understanding about the local context of the library and, consequently, to propose a policy that aims to suggest improvements through information literacy education based on real-situation problems arising from school and academic life, in order to make them information competent.
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