The collaborative work teacher and librarian in the development of a project: a case study
Collaboration, School research, School LibraryAbstract
Introduction: It addresses the importance of collaborative work, each time more essential in the educational work of the librarian.Objective: analyze how collaboration between the teacher and the librarian occurs the six-month period of the 2016 school year.
Methodology: The researcher and the librarian, observed, informally, what most excited the interest of the students when they were in moments of leisure in the environment of a primary school of the City of Vitória / ES. Our proposal was guided by the main objective of working about the collaboration between the teacher and the librarian using music as a key element. The group chosen for analysis was students of the 5th grade. The theoretical basis of the research was anchored in the collaboration perspective of Montiel Overall (2005) and Snyder (2011) in the context of the happy fragments of the school.
Results: a differentiation of the routine in the form of doing research given the frequency of the students in different study shift, in the library was evidenced
Conclusions: that the level of collaboration of the librarian occurred in Model D, the Integrated Curriculum, according to Montiell-Overal's taxonomy (2005)..
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