“Instituting” actions in schools organized in cycles and the evaluation policy in the discipline of history in the municipal network of Niterói (RJ)





assessment, curriculum, school history, schooling cycles, planning


The article aims to problematize how the “instituting actions” of teachers contextualized in the “school floor” of the municipal public education network of Niterói, municipality in the state of Rio de Janeiro, can contribute to the formulation of evaluation policies. Focusing on the discipline of History, as a case study, the article aims to enunciate a systematization of teaching practice, and thus contribute to the construction of an epistemology of school practice. When referring to “instituting” actions, we will be enunciating the teaching practical work. Other terms also will be added throughout the discussion, like “instituting” projects, that refer to the teachers’ planning. The “instituting” policies, on the other hand, refer to the official strategies of the Niterói network, strategies that are consistent not only with the enhancement of teaching knowledge, but also with the very implementation of the cycles in this specific context. Regarding schooling cycles, we can say that they go beyond a mere organization of school time, as they presuppose pedagogical strategies, including interdisciplinarity, continuous evaluations of pedagogical work, among other aspects. The documentary sources were the normative curricular documents of the municipal public network of Niterói, and the “instituting” projects authored by the teachers of this network. We operate with a historical-documentary methodology, focusing on a discursive approach through the theoretical work of Michel Foucault, especially in an archaeological perspective. The results or findings of the investigation indicate that teaching practices have been producing alternatives to break with the processes of subjection, and regarding the discipline of History, it was found that teaching knowledge and practices can contribute to the destabilization of certain discourses and hegemonic curricular practices , pointing towards values to be socially shared, beyond the traditional contents of History, intermediated by the negotiation of meanings between different evaluative logics (summative and continuous).


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Author Biography

Maria de Fátima Barbosa Pires, Fundação Municipal de Educação de Niterói (RJ) -FME-NITERÓI/RJ

[1] Doutora em Educação pela UFRJ. Professora da rede municipal de Educação de Niterói (RJ). E-mail: piresmfb@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Pires, M. de F. B. (2022). “Instituting” actions in schools organized in cycles and the evaluation policy in the discipline of history in the municipal network of Niterói (RJ) . História & Ensino, 28(1), 201–225. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2022v28n1p201-225



Dossiê - Avaliação das aprendizagens em História: Práticas, Teorias e Políticas