The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell: history and literature: dialogues, singularities and possibilities of analysis




History, Literature, Historical source, Jorge Amado


This article presents a reflection on the fields of History and Literature and their approaches. We understand literature as a source, testimony and historical evidence. To support this affirmation we searched on the historiographical opening,, promoted by the school of the Annales and the source of New Cultural History, the approaches and possibilities of this relation. We highlighted some singularities of the historical and the literary writing, as well as the appropriations and possible dialogues of the literary productions for History. Finally, we analyzed the literary work The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell published for the first time in 1959, from the brazilian writer Jorge Amado, and we tried to understand the social context of the author and the literary work, in order to cover the feelings, distresses, perceptions of world, mentalities. And even if it was not our initial intention, we observed the stereotypes in the literary work and in the bahian society from the 1950's that are still present in the social speech.


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Author Biographies

Anderson Teixeira Renzcherchen, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

PhD student in Education at the Graduate Program of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná.

Silvéria da Aparecida Ferreira, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste

Master in Education at the Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste. Public and private primary school teacher.


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How to Cite

Renzcherchen, A. T., & Ferreira, S. da A. (2019). The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell: history and literature: dialogues, singularities and possibilities of analysis. História & Ensino, 25(2), 325–345.


