Perceptions on teaching and learning in history: an analysis of temporality and the teaching book




Didactic book, Temporality, Historical education, Teaching and learning.


From the studies of Jörn Rüsen (2010), Michael Oakeshott (2003) and Eric Hobsbawm (1995) sought to understand the relevance of time in History class, as well as relate it to the practical life of each one. We have as a presupposition that the understanding of the past is closely related to the apprehension of time, thus constituting a status of history. It also discusses the ideal of the didactic book of history proposed by Jörn Rüsen (2011), who thinks this tool as an instrument that has the function of potentializing the skills of historical perception, interpretation and orientation. In this sense, we propose a discussion about the conception presented by History teachers and students of Basic Education who make use of the didactic book in their daily life in the classroom. Our objective is to compose a scenario based on the visions of teachers and students, which allows us to respond to the problem proposed by Rüsen in his didactic concept. We hypothesize that the textbook has a great presence in the classroom, so understanding its role in front of the educational process becomes fundamental. Therefore, our expectation is to indicate whether, in the view of teachers and students, the textbook tool corresponds to the purposes of the discipline, selection and progression of contents, teaching and learning, as well as facilitates the understanding of temporality.


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Author Biography

Flávio Batista dos Santos, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

PhD student in Education at the State University of Londrina-PR, professor at the Paraná State Education Network


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How to Cite

Santos, F. B. dos. (2019). Perceptions on teaching and learning in history: an analysis of temporality and the teaching book. História & Ensino, 25(1), 183–202.


