Textbooks and epistemology of history: perspectives and approaches of historical knowledge in school culture





Schoolar Culture, Textbooks, Epistemology of History, Historical Education.


The present article aims to reflect about textbooks, in order to analyze how they present elements to identify and to understand the assumptions of the area to which they are destined, History. And also, to reflect on its limits and possibilities from a more comprehensive idea of epistemology of history, related to the educational purposes of this knowledge. The questions that guided the research were: how do textbooks promote approaches to the construction of historical knowledge and ways of thinking from time to time? When promoting such approaches, how could we analyze them from the point of view of a Historical Education pragmatics? Taking into account these questions, the article deepens the discussion about the limits and possibilities of textbooks analysis as products inserted in the school culture, proposes a discussion that relates teaching and epistemology of history. Finally, based on an exploratory study on textbooks intended for students in the sixth year of elementary school, it shows how these works deal with the dual nature of historical knowledge, one related to the construction of knowledge and other to its educational purposes


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Author Biography

Éder Cristiano de Souza, Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA)

Master in Social History from the State University of Londrina (UEL). Professor of the History course at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu.



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How to Cite

Souza, Éder C. de. (2018). Textbooks and epistemology of history: perspectives and approaches of historical knowledge in school culture. História & Ensino, 24(2), 135–161. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2018v24n2p135



Dossiê - Avaliação das aprendizagens em História: Práticas, Teorias e Políticas