The National Program of The Didactic Book and the process of constitution of a history didatics for the initial series


  • Tiago Costa Sanches Universidade Federal da Integração Latino Americana – UNILA



PNLD, History education, Didactics of history, Initial series


In the course of the formation History Didactics in the initial years, many conceptions of History teaching and learning guided the debates on the theme, conferring to this Didactics a specific epistemological character. Concerned about investigating the processes of construction of historical knowledge, using the specific epistemology of History, the line of research History Education, presents today a possibility of thinking the History Didactics from its own science of reference. The present study had an empirical investigation, based on the methodological approach called Content Analysis and sought to investigate in textbook guides regarding to the National Program of Didactic Book (PNLD), which conceptions of teaching and learning were its building blocks and orientations. From this theoretical study and analysis, we can verify some assumptions and meanings of History Didactics for the first years of elementary school.


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Author Biography

Tiago Costa Sanches, Universidade Federal da Integração Latino Americana – UNILA

Professor at the Federal University of Latin American Integration - UNILA.


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How to Cite

Sanches, T. C. (2018). The National Program of The Didactic Book and the process of constitution of a history didatics for the initial series. História & Ensino, 24(2), 287–311.



Dossiê - Avaliação das aprendizagens em História: Práticas, Teorias e Políticas