Literacy and ethics: a interdisciplinary work of teachers and students training


  • Ana Lúzia Magalhães Carneiro Secretaria de Educação Municipal de São Paulo.



Literacy and ethics, Special design of action, Teacher training and student, Interdisciplinary practices


Working about the theme of Ethics proposed by the National Curriculum Standards (1997) is essential for the development of autonomy of children and adolescents. However, learning difficulties especially in the public education system, impose educational practices focused on reading, writing and basic calculations at the expense of the reality of the problems of school communities. When schools decide to develop projects on the relations of disrespect and the type of image that children build themselves and the "other", the History area now takes on the job training. This paper discusses an experience lived by teachers and students of the early years of elementary school, in which literacy and ethics were constituted as axes for the development of a project training/teaching activities and students.


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Author Biography

Ana Lúzia Magalhães Carneiro, Secretaria de Educação Municipal de São Paulo.

PhD in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Adjunct Professor at Centro Universitário São Camilo de São Paulo. Pedagogical Coordinator of the Municipal Education Secretariat of São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Carneiro, A. L. M. (2016). Literacy and ethics: a interdisciplinary work of teachers and students training. História & Ensino, 22(2), 11–32.



Dossiê: Ensino de História & Temas Transversais