The historical consciousness as a potential for reading world




Historical Formation, Historical knowledge, Historical Consciousness


The text analyzes the development of historical consciousness, understood as a category of mental operation, essential in the process of empowerment of the subjects, who at any moment are challenged to make the reading of the reality that they are inserted, as persons or as professionals. That reality is complex, marked by accelerated scientific and technological progress, which can meet the basic human needs, but how this will occur depends on the subject. The methodological approach is from the perspective of a qualitative research and dialectics in education, focuses on reflections and concepts of Jörn Rüsen. The result of this study considers the experiences of students in history, to understand the challenges posed to this area in search of a new relationship with knowledge, that can no longer be selected by the study of the past in the past. Thus, the various professionals should seek in the aspects to understand the reality, but also to intervene in its dynamics, for the future.


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Author Biography

Vera Lucia Trennepohl, Universidade Regional do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUI

PhD in Science Education from the Universidade Regional do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul  (UNIJUÍ). Professor of the History course at UNIJUÍ.


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How to Cite

Trennepohl, V. L. (2020). The historical consciousness as a potential for reading world. História & Ensino, 26(1), 37–55.


