Wolf in sheep´s clothing: new clothes and old attitudes in History Teaching proposed by BNCC


  • Henrique Ferreira Pacini Faculdade de Educação USP




Teaching, History, Identity, Brazilian National Common Curricular Base, Historical Consciousness


The History of Education proposed by the Ministry of Education through the publication for consultation of the Brazilian National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) has sparked a broad debate in the academy and school environments. This paper analyzes the political context in which the BNCC was prepared, with the parameters of the questions posed by cultural studies and theoretical and methodological discussions drawn up by recent research in History Education. Therefore, the discipline and narrative structures as well as the theoretical and methodological position of its authors implicit in the presentation of the discipline History in BNCC were analyzed. We conclude from the analysis that despite some specific advances in storytelling and forms of education proposals, the way of history teaching has remained unchanged.


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Author Biography

Henrique Ferreira Pacini, Faculdade de Educação USP

PhD student at the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo. Elementary school and high school teacher in private schools and in the Municipal Education Network of São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Pacini, H. F. (2017). Wolf in sheep´s clothing: new clothes and old attitudes in History Teaching proposed by BNCC. História & Ensino, 23(1), 113–138. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2017v23n1p113


