The challenges of the valuation of memory and local history in Cambira (PR) in relation to the studies of social interections within the parish limit


  • Luisa Teixeira Andrade Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG



Teaching and learning history, Classroom, Reading


This article presents a study of a history lesson on the theme of ancient Indian, extracted from the database generated by the doctoral research, held in September 2013, titled "Reading practices in history classes: a case study ethnographic "which sought to investigate how reading the history texts was socially constructed in a history classroom of 5th grade / 6th grade of elementary school of the Municipal School Piurucetti Eleonora of Belo Horizonte teaching public network. The theoretical and methodological principles of analysis were based on a contemporary trend analysis of the interactions in the classroom: the Interactional Ethnography. From this perspective, we seek to understand how to read the history texts was discursively constructed by the members through their interactions, verbal or non-verbal, and how these constructions influence the opportunities available to students to read and learn history in the classroom observed.


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Author Biography

Luisa Teixeira Andrade, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG

PhD in Education from FaE / UFMG; sandwich doctorate at the University of California, Santa Barbara / USA. Professor, Department of History and Pedagogy, Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte - UNIBH.


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How to Cite

Andrade, L. T. (2015). The challenges of the valuation of memory and local history in Cambira (PR) in relation to the studies of social interections within the parish limit. História & Ensino, 21(1), 199–228.


