The challenges of the valuation of memory and local history in Cambira (Pr) in relation to the studies of social interections within the parish limits


  • Alessandro Arzani Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)



Local History, Parish, Social interactions, Patrimonial education


Starting from the extension project “História Local: a Educação Patrimonial e o Exercício da Cidadania” launched in 2008 with the support of Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (SETI), it was possible to develop within the local community of Cambira, Bom Sucesso and Marumbi (Paraná), numerous competencies applied to the local history, and to the cultural and environmental heritage. Taking in particular the documentary surveys and the work developed on Cambira it was verified certain interweaving between memory and experiences lived around the schedules of the Catholic Church. Therefore, through a series of correlations established by means of evidence, signs and symptoms, identifying their meaning in the light of its own context, added the procedures of oral history, it is presented in this article the exam of the challenges of the valuation of memory and local history in Cambira from the study of social interactions. It is a field useful to heritage education by offering numerous elements linking the present generation to those of times past memories.


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Author Biography

Alessandro Arzani, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

PhD in History from the Federal University of Rio Gande do Sul (UFRGS / Capes).


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How to Cite

Arzani, A. (2015). The challenges of the valuation of memory and local history in Cambira (Pr) in relation to the studies of social interections within the parish limits. História & Ensino, 21(1), 229–252.


