Bertrand Russell and the healing of provincialisms through history teaching




Bertrand Russell. History. Provincialism. Nationalism.


This text aims to characterize the epistemological scope surrounding the design of regional history textbook, and analyze the ways in which cultural objects "textbook" and "regional textbook" appear in the 2008 academic research to 2013. We start from assumption that this kind of research is done absent the academic milieu, with a view previous studies, as Caimi (2013), which already announced the lack of research on regional educational publications within academic analytical scenario. We note, from research online database that regional textbooks, as an area of symbolic creation of human historical production and teaching / historical narrative record, are presented as a fruitful field of inquiries, especially confirm failing in the current scenario. We recorded the importance of this study to other researchers pay attention to this historiographical silence and, on that premise, the textbook and the regional textbook can consolidate more and more as an object of educational and historical research.


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Author Biography

Júlio César Augusto do Valle, Universidade de São Paulo

Master by the Faculty of Education of USP. Math teacher at Colégio Magistra.


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How to Cite

Valle, J. C. A. do. (2016). Bertrand Russell and the healing of provincialisms through history teaching. História & Ensino, 22(1), 177–200.



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