Didactic potentials of children historical fiction literature in history teaching: a study with 6th grade portuguese students





History Education, Substantive concepts, Narrative, Historical fiction


This paper presents a study dealing with the use of historical fiction in teaching history, and seeking to highlight the potentials of this teaching resource on the construction of historical knowledge. The study was carried out with a class of 26 students, from 6th grade (11-12 year olds) of an urban school in northern Portugal, and sought to analyse students’ substantive ideas related to April Revolution when exploring two pieces of juvenile historical fiction literature: "The Treasure” by Manuel António Pina and "Story of a Flower" by Matilde Rosa Araújo. It was intended to notice the answers to the following questions: Which are the potentials of using historical fiction in history teaching, and particularly to understanding April Revolution? Which kind of influences do students reveal their narratives about this kind of educational resource comparing with other sources (historical, historiographical and pictorial sources)? Students accomplished several tasks that led to the production of two narratives. They were challenged to answer: 1) How would you tell a young foreigner the New State was like? 2) How would you tell a tourist that about the April 25 Revolution? Students’ content narratives were inductively analysed and categorized by levels of progression from less elaborate ideas to more sophisticated and complex concepts. This study highlighted that historical fiction pieces are important resources for students’ constructing historical knowledge as regards the substantive concept of April Revolution. It was also stressed that the kind of historical fiction (more historiographical or myth-symbolic) may affect differently students' historical thinking construction.


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Author Biographies

Glória Solé, Universidade do Minho

PhD in Child Studies from the University of Minho. Assistant Teacher at the University of Minho, Institute of Education (Portugal).

Diana Reis, Universidade do Minho

Postgraduate in Political Science and International Relations (FCSH-UNL)

Andreia Machado, Universidade do Minho

Research professors at CIEd, University of Minho.


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How to Cite

Solé, G., Reis, D., & Machado, A. (2014). Didactic potentials of children historical fiction literature in history teaching: a study with 6th grade portuguese students. História & Ensino, 20(1), 7–34. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2014v20n1p7


