Teaching and learning history lessons and tests with Moodle
History, Moodle, Lessons, Tests, Virtual learning environmentAbstract
The work here presented intends to briefly share an experiment made concerning the use of a Moodle Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) with five ninth grade classes during the school year of 2009/2010. With the help of Moodle lessons and tests for History teaching and learning in elementary education classes, data were registered of their pedagogical implications. The investigation that took place used several data gathering instruments, among which lie the register system of Moodle itself, logbooks and questionnaires, whose analysis allowed the identification of potential justifications for the students` perception. Following a socio-constructivist model, which potentiates a more active role of the students in the teaching and learning process, a reflection is made on the use of Moodle lessons and tests as well as on the tendency for the use of the Information and Computer Technologies (ICT) and their pedagogical potential.Downloads
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VILLATE, J. E-learning na Universidade do Porto. Caso de Estudo: Física dos Sistemas Dinâmicos 2004/2005. II Workshop E-learning da Universidade do Porto, 2005.
ZABALA, A. Planificação e desenvolvimento curricular na escola. Porto: ASA Editores, 1991.
ZABALA, A. A prática educativa. Como ensinar. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 1998.
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How to Cite
Oliveira, A. A. (2012). Teaching and learning history lessons and tests with Moodle. História & Ensino, 18(1), 07–25. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2012v18n1p07
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