The historical work in the classroom




History teaching, Didactics, Local history, Teacher’s formation.


Which is the place and the meaning of the research in the teacher's formation? What sense and usefulness has the research in daily practice of the History teacher? This text presents reflections on these themes, telling partial results of researches, whose general objective is to recover the process of construction of the History teaching method, starting from the dialogue among the General Didacticism (Develay, 1999; André, 1995) and the Specific Didacticism of the History (Prats, 2001; Moniot, 1993; Bergman, 1990 and Rusen, 1987). These results focus some elements of the studies accomplished in the extent of the bibliographical research, the one that allowed pointing out indications of how the theme is seen by the literature destined to teachers' formation; and in the perspective of the field work, what produced subsidies for reflections concerning the teacher's of History daily practice, rendered in the project Recreating Histories, which has been developed by the researchers in schools of the metropolitan area of Curitiba, since 1997. To now, the results allow to reaffirm the presupposition that, to transmit contents and to assume the investigation perspective are not excluding alternatives.


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Author Biographies

Maria Auxiliadora Schmidt, Universidade Federal do Paraná -UFPR

Professor and researcher at PPGE in Education at UFPR.CNPq fellow.Project funded by CNPq and Araucária Foundation (Endnotes)

Tânia Braga Garcia, Universidade Federal do Paraná -UFPR

Professor and researcher at PPGE in Education at the Universidade Federal do Paraná -UFPR.CNPq fellow.Project funded by CNPq and Araucária Foundation (Endnotes)


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How to Cite

Schmidt, M. A., & Garcia, T. B. (2003). The historical work in the classroom. História & Ensino, 9, 223–242.


