Cultural practices and practical school: approaches and specificities in the history teaching




School education, Memory, Museums, Historical knowledge.


The school education is looking more and more for establishing a dialogue with other cultural spaces with views to explore what those spaces offer for the knowledge acquisition through the use of other languages and tools. When approximating the students of those spaces the school also waits that the knowledge there acquired and lived contribute for a citizen attitude development, in other words, the problematization of the social uses of the memory and of the actions, relationships and men material and symbolic productions, along the time, in different societies and cultures. In this work, we intended to offer some conceptual and methodological contributions that can guide the History teachers of educational practice and of museums educators in the perspective of the construction of historical knowledge. However, before presenting those possibilities, we will problematize the way how this relationship has been given, in away to throw lights for the construction of new relationships.


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Author Biography

Lana Mara de Castro Siman, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Professor of History Teaching Practice at UFMG


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How to Cite

Siman, L. M. de C. (2003). Cultural practices and practical school: approaches and specificities in the history teaching. História & Ensino, 9, 185–204.


