Lineas de investigación en didáctica de las ciencias sociales


  • Joaquim Prats Universidad de Barcelona



Epistemology, Didactic of history, Didactic of social sciences, Methodology, Research.


The article deals with the nature of the research in didactic of history and other social sciences. It considers the possibility to construct a specific environment of scientific knowledge. It proposes environments and lines of research in this field of the knowledge. These fields are centered in five sections: researches in methods and techniques; basic researches; researches related to the teaching staff; researches related to the students; and, finally. researches in no formal fields of the education.


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Author Biography

Joaquim Prats, Universidad de Barcelona

Professor of Didactics of Social Sciences.University of Barcelona


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How to Cite

Prats, J. (2003). Lineas de investigación en didáctica de las ciencias sociales. História & Ensino, 9, 133–155.


