University professors that write didactic books: analysis of testimonies of contemporary brazilian authors




University professor, Didactic books, National memory.


This deals with the communication of historical-pedagogical reflections undertaken in the area of History of School Disciplines, in which the analytical perspective was socio-historical focusing on the examination of the content of collected testimonies at the end of the 1990s in association with some university professors in the southeast and northeast regions of Brazil. These university professors also became important authors of didactic books of Brazilian History at the end of the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s. In this reflection, the biographical data of the authors were gathered and analyzed; especially as regards academic formation, teaching experience in the classroom, the course and impact of the military regime and return to democracy on didactic production, and understanding of the function of a didactic book and of the form in which the transmitted content contributes to the formation of the national memory. The task of publishing associated with didactic production currently demands authors that can bring together lhe ability of writing in accessible language with the possibility of frequently updating content - authors who are also open to sharing responsibility with various other professionals for the production of their didactic work.

Author Biography

Décio Gatti Júnior, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Professor of History of Education at Centro Universitário do Triângulo and Federal University of Uberlândia / MG


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How to Cite

Gatti Júnior, D. (2003). University professors that write didactic books: analysis of testimonies of contemporary brazilian authors. História & Ensino, 9, 63–96.


