The work as bedding for the transformation of the conception of time formed from the didactic book of history




Education of history, Didactic book, Historical time, Work.


In this article the central objective is to present a proposal for Education of History that considers the partner-historical relations effective during the process of teach-learning of History From the defended estimated one, the contained pertaining to school contents in the didactic book, amongst them the time, need to consider the partner-historical characteristics of the studied societies. So that this occurs, the work and the historical time need to be characterized as axles, for which the historical analysis must occur.


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Author Biography

Simone Varela, Centro Universitário Filadélfia

Degree in Pedagogy and History; Master in Education. Professor at Unifil and the Higher Institute of Education Mãe de Deus. Londrina-PR


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How to Cite

Varela, S. (2005). The work as bedding for the transformation of the conception of time formed from the didactic book of history. História & Ensino, 11, 115–131.


