Teaching for ethic and racial relationship education: a look at school's everyday life
Education, Ethic and racial relationship, History teaching, Curriculum.Abstract
Opening way for the establishment of a broad debate in national level on the questions referring to the situation of the black and the afro-descendent in brazilian society, Act 10.639/2003, that modifies LDB 9694/96, was sanctioned by Federal Government. In this sense, I propose the discussion of the diverse identities of the students from Elementary School up to High School, from the acquisition of values considered negatives fed in day-by-day fo social processes to the consolidation of an afro-centered identity, also valuing the inclusion of european and native american roots. This way, this project enables a reflection on the ethnic and racial tutelage of education in the diverse levels of tutelage, in different curricular components and especially on History subject.
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