Textbooks: study guide or practice skills? study with teachers and students of secondary education


  • Maria Isabel Afonso Universidade do Minho, Portugal




Textbooks, Teachers perceptions, History textbook, Conceptions of students about History


The work presented here represents one of the stages of the research for the doctoral thesis which focus on the role of history textbooks in the development of skills, from the perspective of teachers and secondary school students. With this study seeks to understand how teachers and students use the activities proposed in 10th grade history textbooks, and how such proposals relate to the development of the competences defined in the preliminary study. The sample consists of six students attending the 10th grade in Northern Portugal schools and five teachers teaching this school level, subject program. The analysis of the collected data has provided clues to the evolution of the study in progress and allowed the identification of teachers and students perceptions on the use of textbooks and also the ideas of students about History by solving activities that are proposed in this educational resource.


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Author Biography

Maria Isabel Afonso, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

PhD student in Education at the University of Minho, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Afonso, M. I. (2010). Textbooks: study guide or practice skills? study with teachers and students of secondary education. História & Ensino, 16(1), 113–126. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2010v16n1p113


