History teaching in the supervised practicum reports of the history course: expositive lessons like experimental narrative





Didactics, Methodology, Expositive lesson, The teaching of history.


This text presents some results of a research carried out at Londrina State University. Documents used to support this investigation included supervised practicum reports between the years 1983 and 2005, and supervisors daily reports. In this text, we investigate how practicum students from the History Course make decisions on how to teach history and which methodology to adopt, usually opting for expositive Iessons. We also analyzed how the justifications presented for their choices reveal their understanding of the functions of history teaching and the possibilities of constructing historical knowledge by elementary and high school students.


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Author Biography

Marlene Rosa Cainelli, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Professor, Department of History, State University of Londrina


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How to Cite

Cainelli, M. R. (2009). History teaching in the supervised practicum reports of the history course: expositive lessons like experimental narrative. História & Ensino, 15, 173–181. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2009v15n0p173


