History didactic book: the past ever present





History didactic book, History discipline, Historical literacy.


This paper concerns the relation between the school discipline and the History didactic book. It takes the presuppositions that to analyze the History teaching of History it's important to consider theories and historiographical methods and pedagogical conceptions in the time. It approaches the educational changes that building the history course like a school discipline in the Brazilian curricula and the changes in the History manuals, especially those available by Didactic Book National Program (Programa Nacional de Livro Didático - PNLD) in the last 15 years. Finally, it presents a new tendency that appears in the History didactic book collection: the Historical Literacy.


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Author Biography

Maria Inês Sucupira Stamatto, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

PhD Professor of the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte


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How to Cite

Stamatto, M. I. S. (2009). History didactic book: the past ever present. História & Ensino, 15, 131–157. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2009v15n0p131


