Covered ways and others: it have to discover and cover




History teaching researchers, History of the teaching of history, Brazilian society for the teaching of history.


This article presents some considerations on the history of teaching of history, having as the focus of analysis the History Teaching Researchers Meetings and History Teaching Perspectives. When carrying out his task, we realized that the idea of constructing references to guide our epistemological object was among the objectives and themes of these events. We also dealt with the discussions and debates over the creation of the Brazilian Society for the Teaching of History.


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Author Biography

Ernesta Zamboni, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

PhD in Education from the State University of Campinas. Professor at the Faculty of Education at the State University of Campinas.


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How to Cite

Zamboni, E. (2009). Covered ways and others: it have to discover and cover. História & Ensino, 15, 39–50.


